I suggest all hesitant young people read this sentence over and over again: All opinions and evaluations from others are temporary, only your own experiences and achievements will last a lifetime. Almost all worries and fears come from your own imagination; only when you really do it will you find out how happy you are
The most important ability for a woman is not how beautifully you dress yourself up, nor how much money you earn. It is the ability to be happy no matter what happens. One day you will understand that what heals you is never time but your inner perspective and letting go. Loving yourself is above all else. Don’t try to find security and belonging in others because the greatest sense of security can only be given by yourself.

I have always believed that moving on is a very important ability. Always holding onto past events, being obsessed with the grievances suffered, and consuming oneself on people and things that cannot be changed at all. But one cannot always be trapped in the past. Life always moves forward. What one should learn is to extricate oneself from the quagmire, draw lessons from disappointment, and bravely turn the page to pursue more worthwhile things.
Let go of the urge to help others and respect their destinies. The main reason why the elderly in the village lived to be over ninety was that they didn’t meddle in other people’s business. The mud was fine just as it was, but you insisted on propping it up on the wall. The salted fish was fine lying there, but you insisted on turning it over. A rotten log, you insisted on carving it into a talent. Restrain your desire to correct others and don’t casually interfere in their karma. The social rule of the game: In the adult world, only screening, not education. How much money you can earn is not achieved by time, but by being sifted through the waves.